Monthly Archives: April 2007

Rep. Jon Riki Karamatsu’s Peace Day Bill Became Law

I am happy to announce that my Peace Day Bill, House Bill 345 was signed into law as Act 23 by the governor on April 18, 2007.  The law establishes September 21 annually as Peace Day in Hawaii to promote peace programs, improve international relations, and increase educational awareness of peace.  This designated day encourages citizens to observe and celebrate peace.

I introduced this bill after being approached by the Hawaii Federation of Junior Young Buddhist Association.  I chose September 21 to be Peace Day in Hawaii because it is the day recognized by the United Nations as International Day of Peace.  Hawaii now becomes the first state in the country to celebrate a Peace Day holiday.  The day will not be an officially recognized state holiday and will not carry any financial impact to the state.

To counter the violence in our world, I sincerely believe we must all be proactive in promoting peace.  Relationships and trade will play a huge role in accomplishing this.

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Thank You for All Your Support at My Fundraiser

Thank you everyone for all your support at my “Matsuri” fundraiser that was held on March 27, 2007 at Jodo Mission.  I appreciate all the generous donations given to my campaign.  Also, mahalo to all my friends who volunteered at the event.

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