Tag Archives: cholesterol

Oatmeal as part of my Health Strategy

I used to be in the top 1% with my health examinations, but a year ago, my LDL or bad cholesterol went up into the high-risk zone. Stress from my high-risk endeavors and eating out with not the healthiest foods so I could keep working on my projects may have contributed to this. My HDL or good cholesterol has always been high, which helps, but I wanted to improve, so I’ve been eating oatmeal regularly, as well as brown rice, other grains, and vegetables to get the fiber I needed to take away the bad cholesterol. I also increased my exercise to help raise my HDL. This year, my doctor and I were happy I’m back in the healthy zone. Here I am on the morning of October 14, 2017, about to cook my oatmeal. May good health be with you! The longer we live, the more we can do!

#health #healthyfood #nutrition #oatmeal #quakeroats #cholesterol #goodhealth #effort #habits #determination #tenacity #goals #mind #body #soul #honolulu #hawaii

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