Daily Archives: September 24, 2017

My Drug, My Medicine – Exercise

Hana hou (one more time in Hawaiian language)! Woke up with my hair sticking up and put on my exercise clothes for motivation to produce more happy chemicals from my drugs – talking about exercise boys and girls. One of the best ways to get a natural high. Cut it up for inner peace!

#exercise #abs #arms #back #run #24hourfitness #happychemicals #endorphins #naturalhigh #peace #innerpeace #health #mind #body #soul 

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Filed under Exercise, Health, Life Coach, Mental Health, Motivation, Positive Living

Bad dream, but on the right path now

I just woke up from a bad dream where I was with one of the two former business partners who stole money from my other business partner and I. I woke up with my heart racing. I began thinking of my other bad experiences in my career, where certain judges and politicians punished me harder because of the high positions I held in government at a young age, to make an example of me before others and sometimes the public. Power and money play a role in making people do mean things against others. My good friend Brandon Mitsuda texted me this beautiful picture of Capri, Italy. I want to vacation there when things settle down. I feel much better. I know I’m on a better path now. I’m seeking peace within me. May peace be with all of you as well.

#politics #law #business #entrepreneurship #powerhungry #greed #jealousy #peace #innerpeace #aloha #compassion #empathy #nonattachment #hawaii #capri #italy 

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Filed under Business, Career, Compassion, Entrepreneurship, Law, Live Events, Politics