Tag Archives: Exercise

2022 Honolulu Marathon

I finished my 15th Honolulu Marathon on December 11, 2022!

2022 Honolulu Marathon day with my medal and finisher shirt.
2022 Honolulu Marathon finisher shirt.

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Filed under Exercise, Gratitude

Whiteboard Calendars

I’m really enjoying writing on my whiteboards to track my personal and  career goals. My friend Claire Niibu Akau gave me them while I was helping her move out of her house in Waikele, Hawaii.

The large calendar is tracking my exercise for the month of August 2022. The small weekly calendar is tracking my personal and business goals and events for each week.

Whiteboard calendars to track my personal and career goals and events.

My white board goal and events tracking system compliments my digital goals and events tracking and journal system using Google Calendar, Notion (journal), and Discord (accountability partner system).

It takes effort and time for these productivity systems; however, they keep me aware of my progress and show me what’s working and what’s not, so I can change things up for the better.

I’m a business lawyer, realtor, entrepreneur, and retired elected official.

If you need services in business law, acquisitions, real estate, government affairs, or Internet marketing, message me or visit JRK Enterprises LLC at https://jrkenterprisesllc.com

Fight your anxiety, sadness, or anger through the Positive Masters universe at https://positivemasters.com for mindset practices, tips for your passion projects, storytelling, motivational podcast and YouTube channel, and apparel and accessories with inspirational designs and mantras.

#whiteboards #whiteboard #calendar  #calendars #calendaring #journal #Journaling #dailygoals #dailywork #dailyhustle #goals #goals #visionboard #vision #productivity #tenacity #hustle #persistence #consistency #personalgoals #careergoals #business #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #attorneys #businesslaw #startups #acquisitions #realestate #writers #writing

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Consistency, Creative Writing, Entrepreneurship, Events, Exercise, Inspirational, Journal, Law, Life, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Positive Living, Productivity, Writing

Use your body to manage your mind.

Use your body to manage your mind.

Use your body to manage your mind. Deep breathing, meditation, running, strength training, walking, and exposure to nature can help you when you feel stressed, anxious, or depressed.

In between my work sessions, I exercise to manage these emotional challenges. If I don’t, they drain me and cloud my vision and productivity.

#exercise #health #mentalhealth #mindset #stressremedies #anxietyrelief #anxietyremedies #depressionrelief #innerpeace #stressrelief #depressionrelief #depressionremedies
#psychology #neuroscience #personalgrowth #positivemindset #positivemasters #selflove #personalcare #hawaii #hawaiilife #hawaiilifestyle #positivevibes #productivity

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Filed under Blog, Exercise, Health, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Positive Living, Psychology

6x Exercise for 2022: Ran 4.14 miles in Waikele (Ran 16.9 miles total for 2022). 🏃‍♂️

After darkness took over the world, a thousand birds embarked on a treacherous journey to find the rising phoenix to bring order and peace. After much suffering from the journey, only thirty remained. The rest gave up. The thirty birds realized that they themselves are the rising phoenix. 🕊🦅🕊🦅

Stories can transform your psyche. In turn, you can change the world. 😃

Pictured is my 6th exercise for 2022. I ran 4.14 miles in Waikele (Ran 16.9 miles total for 2022). 🏃‍♂️

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Filed under Blog, Creative Writing, Exercise, Fiction, Health, Inspirational, Journal, Life, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Philosophy, Positive Living, Psychology, Writing

Running and Writing

I ran 4.35 miles on 1/3/2022. I love writing fiction and running. They complement each other. 

One keeps me moving in my mind. The other keeps me moving physically.

One exercises my ideas. The other exercises my mind and body.

Both alleviate my anxiety and sadness.

Both increase my happiness.

One exposes my vulnerability, strength, fear, and hope. The other fights to delay my death, so I can share my stories of vulnerability, strength, fear, and hope to encourage you to live the best you can with love, compassion, and empathy.

One gives me a high from dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. The other gives me a high from dopamine and catharsis.

Both require discipline.

Both give me purpose.

Both can be challenging, even difficult at times.

Both teach me the importance of process.

Both are very rewarding.

#running #writing #run #write #runner #writer #runnershigh #writershigh #dopamine #happychemicals #happiness #myjoy #passion #passionprojects #lovelife #runningtherapy #writingtherapy #therapeutic #therapy #positivemindset #mindset #lifestyle #innerpeace #peace #stressrelief #stressremedies #anxietyrelief #anxietyremedies #depressionrelief #mentalhealth

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Filed under Blog, Exercise, Writing

Stack Your Skills!

Stack your skills!

In the past, I’ve talked about stacking our skills over many years and mixing our skills to cross over to other sectors and subsectors of our economy.

For instance, writing, research, reasoning, problem solving, transactional law, speaking, psychology, government affairs, and such can be used in entertainment, aviation, energy, and many other sectors and subsectors of our economy.

10,000 hours of work in one area can be applied to another. Even if your project did not bear the fruit you hoped for, the skills you developed are the true value from that experience. Moreover, the lessons you learned from the failure and process are added to your knowledge and experience. These are things that can only be learned from experimentation and iteration.

I love learning, trying, experimenting, and iterating. It gives me stress, but it can give me a huge dopamine rush when I get an a-ha moment.

The following text from Mastery by Robert Greene @robertgreeneofficial is very motivational:

“If we keep practicing, we gain fluency; basic skills are mastered, allowing us to take on newer and more exciting challenges. We begin to see connections that were invisible to us before. We slowly gain confidence in our ability to solve problems or overcome weaknesses through sheer persistence.”

Stay positive my friends. Don’t let your cognitive distortions ruin your momentum and abilities. You got this!

In this picture, I completed my 111th Exercise for 2021 on 10/10/2021 by running 3.38 miles in Waikele (Ran 337.15 mi. total for 2021).

#learn #study #studies #work #productivity #productivitysystem #productivitytips #productivityadvice #productivitysystems #growthmindset #mindset #psychology #philosophy #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #positiveoutlook #exercise #fitness #sports #mentalhealthawareness #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthgoals #motivational #keepgoing #hawaiilifestyle #hawaiilife #behappier #choosehappiness

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Consistency, Entrepreneurship, Goals, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Philosophy, Positive Living, Productivity, Quotes, Study, Writing

Stack Your Skills!

Stack your skills!

In the past, I’ve talked about stacking our skills over many years and mixing our skills to cross over to other sectors and subsectors of our economy.

For instance, writing, research, reasoning, problem solving, transactional law, speaking, psychology, government affairs, and such can be used in entertainment, aviation, energy, and many other sectors and subsectors of our economy.

10,000 hours of work in one area can be applied to another. Even if your project did not bear the fruit you hoped for, the skills you developed are the true value from that experience. Moreover, the lessons you learned from the failure and process are added to your knowledge and experience. These are things that can only be learned from experimentation and iteration.

I love learning, trying, experimenting, and iterating. It gives me stress, but it can give me a huge dopamine rush when I get an a-ha moment.

The following text from Mastery by Robert Greene @robertgreeneofficial is very motivational:

“If we keep practicing, we gain fluency; basic skills are mastered, allowing us to take on newer and more exciting challenges. We begin to see connections that were invisible to us before. We slowly gain confidence in our ability to solve problems or overcome weaknesses through sheer persistence.”

Stay positive my friends. Don’t let your cognitive distortions ruin your momentum and abilities. You got this!

In this picture, I completed my 111th Exercise for 2021 on 10/10/2021 by running 3.38 miles in Waikele (Ran 337.15 mi. total for 2021).

#learn #study #studies #work #productivity #productivitysystem #productivitytips #productivityadvice #productivitysystems #growthmindset #mindset #psychology #philosophy #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #positiveoutlook #exercise #fitness #sports #mentalhealthawareness #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthgoals #motivational #keepgoing #hawaiilifestyle #hawaiilife #behappier #choosehappiness

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Consistency, Entrepreneurship, Goals, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Philosophy, Positive Living, Productivity, Quotes, Study, Writing

Love Lost is Love Eternal

Love Lost is Love Eternal

Love lost is love eternal.

It lives on in a timeless realm.

Written by a soul who has long departed.

Experienced again by those who seek it.

– Jon Riki Karamatsu, 8/4/2021

Poem time! Love can live on forever in spirit. It can also live on eternally when you write about it and share it with others. ❤

This is a picture from 9/19/2021 when I completed my 102nd Exercise for 2021: Ran 3.54 miles in Waiklele (Ran 303.62 mi. total for 2021) and 54th strength training – 200 crunches and 200 push-ups at home in Waikele. ‍♂️

#poem #poems #poetry #poet #poets #writing #writers #writingcommunity #readers #readersofinstagram #readingcommunity #writinglife #creativewriting #creativework #creativity #lovelife #romance #romanticpoem #deepfeelings #deepthoughts #emotional #hawaiilifestyle #hawaiilife #exercise #fitness #sports #runnershigh #runningtherapy #personalgrowth #mentalhealth

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Filed under Art, Blog, Creative Writing, Love Story, Poems, Positive Living, Quotes, Writing

Running is a super practice!

Running is a super practice!

Running is a super practice I have control over. It helps my mind, body, and soul. The deep breathing alleviates my stress and anxiety. Sometimes, it’s meditative. Other times, I get ideas. I especially enjoy listening to upbeat music while running to keep me motivated. The sunlight revives me. The sky, clouds, trees, grass, and flowers relax me. Everything about running makes me feel good. I’m super grateful to be able to enjoy this activity so much.

This is a picture of me on 9/10/2021 when I completed my 100th Exercise for 2021: Ran 4.08 miles in Waikele (Ran 296.8 mi. total for 2021). At home, I executed my 52nd strength training for 2021 with 200 crunches and 200 push-ups.

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Filed under Blog, Exercise, Gratitude, Health, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Positive Living

The compound effect applies to everything we do!

The compound effect applies to everything we do!

The compound effect applies to everything we do! It applies to learning, reading, writing, skills, exercise, relationships, investments, and more. A little hard work every day on your goals add up over time. In a year, you will be a different person from last new year’s day.

Sure, we humans want things immediately. That’s why we give up when things don’t happen right away.

Even brilliant people like Einstein took many years, even decades to reach their goals. There are no shortcuts for audacious goals. Such goals are always difficult.

All great things require perseverance and patience. Your big project will be overwhelming. Therefore, diligently work on one small logical step at a time. Over time, you will put the million pieces of your puzzle together. The picture for your finished puzzle, your vision that turned into reality will look and feel amazing because of the stress, anxiety, and tears you went through.

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Consistency, Exercise, Goals, Inspirational, Journal, Life, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Philosophy, Positive Living, Productivity, Psychology, Quotes, Study, Training, Writing

Exercise & mindfulness are 2 practices I do to manage my stress, anxiety, and occasional sadness.

Exercise & mindfulness are 2 practices I do to manage my stress, anxiety, and occasional sadness. Add listening to music to these activities and you have a triple threat against your cognitive distortions.

I enjoy admiring the beautiful #landscape of trees , flowers, plants, and grass as I #run ! 🌱🌺🌴🏃‍♂️ Exercise and mindfulness help me to care for my mental and physical health. Add listening to music to these activities and you have a triple threat against your cognitive distortions.

On July 14, 2021, I executed my 82nd #exercise for the year by #running 3.52 miles. I ran 250.09 miles so far for 2021. When I returned home, I completed my 40th strength training for 2021.

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Filed under Blog, Exercise, Goals, Happiness, Hawaii, Health, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Psychology, Quotes, Writing

Years don’t mean as much as the days.

Years don’t mean as much as the days.

Years don’t mean as much as the days. What you do daily is what makes your years.

Consistency is key. Whether you’re working on your mind, body, or soul, put a little bit of effort daily. Over time, it adds up. 

Schedule your work and exercise in your calendar and in an app that you can share with your accountability partner. At the end of your day, count your wins and journal it. I journal mine in the notes section of my Google calendar that syncs with my MacBook Pro and Galaxy smartphone. I also write it in my Day One, a private journal on my MacBook Pro. Third, I write it in apps with my accountability buddies such as my friend’s Discord server and my other friend’s Google Sheets.

I make my productivity a game. I add up my wins every day. I give myself one win for every accomplishment. For difficult long-term projects that takes deep work and is challenging to sustain for 60 minutes, I give myself 1 win for every 30 minute-session of work and 2 wins for every 45-minute to 60-minute session of work. 

Give yourself a win when you spend quality time with your loved ones as well. I dedicate a day a week for my loved ones.

By the end of the year, I’ll have thousands of wins. Last year, I accumulated 4,337 wins. 

I also have a list of monthly goals that I tackle. I quantify my monthly goals with a percentage of goals I accomplished. My monthly goals keeps me on track with my annual goals.  

When I attain a certain amount of wins or a high percentage of monthly or annual goals, I reward myself with a treat like a great celebration meal for short-term goals and a fun product for my long-term goals. I’m constantly adjusting my game. You can set the rules for your productivity game, but make sure it’s challenging. Have fun!

Visit the Positive Masters universe at www.positivemasters.com for mindset and personal growth practices, motivational writing and podcast, and apparel and accessories with inspirational mantras to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger that you may be facing.

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Filed under Blog, E-commerce, Goals, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mindset, Motivational, Philosophy, Productivity, Quotes, Writing

2020 Honolulu Marathon

2020 Honolulu Marathon (virtual due to Covid-19)

I’m wearing my 2020 Honolulu Marathon  finisher shirt and medal! The race was virtual in December 2020 due to Covid-19. I love the teal colors, my campaign colors when I was a politician. Running outdoors is my favorite exercise. It’s a great way to relieve stress, sadness, and anxiety. I’m going to wear this shirt today as I undergo my work sessions on my latest project that I’m excited to work on every day! Have a great day! ❤

#honolulumarathon #virtualmarathon #marathon #running #run #exercise #health #mentalhealth #personalgrowth #mindset #motivational #keepgoing #positivemindset #psychology #therapeutic #stressrelief #anxietyremedies #stressremedies #anxietyrelief #innerpeace #honolulu #oahu #hawaii #hawaiiscene #honoluluscene #hawaiilife #hawaiilifestyle #littlejoys #smallwins #choosehappiness

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Filed under Events, Exercise, Health, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Positive Living

2020 Virtual Honolulu Marathon

2020 Virtual Honolulu Marathon
2020 Virtual Honolulu Marathon

On December 9, 2020, I completed my 2020 Virtual Honolulu Marathon @honolulumarathon. I finished my 13th consecutive Honolulu Marathon. ❤

#honolulumarathon #honolulumarathon2020 #2020honolulumarathon #marathon #running #run #exercise #virtualmarathon #virtualhonolulumarathon #runnershigh #jog #jogging #oahu #hawaii #hawaiiscene #honoluluscene #oahuscene #hawaiilife #hawaiilifestyle #happy #happymoments #goals #2020goal #2020goals #funexercise #funrun #808life #808scene #health #personalgrowth

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Filed under Blog, Exercise, Health, Mental Health, Mindset, Positive Living

2: Positive Masters Show – Having a passion project that involves fitness is key to keeping you healthy.

2: Positive Masters Show – Having a passion project that involves fitness is key to keeping you healthy

This is a clip from Episode 2 of the Positive Masters Show – How Working on Your Passion Projects Can Increase Your Joy and Purpose!

Feel free to subscribe to our Positive Masters Youtube Channel and our podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe at http://www.positivemasters.com for mindset and business practices, motivational podcasts and writing, and apparel and accessories with inspirational mantras to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger that you may be facing.

Stay tuned, in the future, we will be offering online courses to strengthen your mindset and to turn your passion project into your passion business using legal documents, government programs, and business tools.

Thank you!

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Filed under Blog, E-commerce, Exercise, Health, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Passion Projects, Positive Living, Psychology, Quotes, Writing

If you want to be happy, you have to work on your mindset daily so it becomes natural.

If you want to be happy, you have to work on your mindset daily so it becomes natural.

If you want to be happy, you have to work on your mindset daily so it becomes natural.

If you want to be happy, you have to work on your mindset daily so it becomes natural. Through your positive lifestyle practices, boosts of joy become automatic, like breathing air.

Below are some of my favorite practices to keep my mindset positive:

1. Be grateful for all the good things.
2. Be fully present to enjoy the good things.
3. Have empathy for others.
4. Get enough sleep.
5. Exercise.
6. Write from your heart.
7. Spend time with your positive loved ones.
8. Gain new skills and knowledge.
9. Read, listen, watch, and/or interact with positive content.
10. Listen to uplifting music.


Enter the +positive masters+ universe at www.positivemasters.com for mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with inspirational mantras and designs to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness or anger that you may be facing. ❤️

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Filed under Blog, Creative Writing, E-commerce, Empathy, Exercise, Gratitude, Happiness, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mindset, Motivational, Movie, Positive Living, Quotes, Writing

I ran my 12th Honolulu Marathon!

I finished my 12th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 8, 2019.

I finished my 12th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 8, 2019. In this picture, I have my Honolulu Marathon medal, Honolulu Marathon Finisher t-shirt, & shell necklace.

I ran my 12th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 8, 2019! Here, I picked up my Honolulu Marathon Finisher Certificate at the Hawaii Convention Center on Monday December 9, 2019.

I ran my 12th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 8, 2019! Here, I picked up my Honolulu Marathon Finisher Certificate at the Hawaii Convention Center on Monday December 9, 2019.

I ran my 12th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 8, 2019! Here, I picked up my Honolulu Marathon Finisher Certificate at the Hawaii Convention Center on Monday December 9, 2019.

I ran my 12th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 8, 2019! Here, I picked up my Honolulu Marathon Finisher Certificate at the Hawaii Convention Center on Monday December 9, 2019.

I ran my 12th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 8, 2019! I’m super grateful for my mom dropping me off near Ala Moana Beach Park at 5:00 A.M. and then picking me up later at Kapiolani Park where we finish the race. She’s been doing this for me for the past 12 races.

On Monday December 9, 2019, I picked up my finisher certificate at the Hawaii Convention Center wearing my finisher t-shirt.

My sister Mia convinced my sister Lara and I to run this marathon in 2008.  I’ve continued running this race ever since as an encouragement for me to continue exercising.

For 2020, I plan to increase my cardio and strength training to the level I was at 2017 and prior.  My business projects have been struggling so I’ve been focusing so much of my time on work and neglected my exercise.  I’m so pumped up to increase my training!

Have fun exercising!

With Warmest Aloha, Jon

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Filed under Blog, Exercise, Goals, Gratitude, Happiness, Health, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Motivational, Positive Living, Productivity, Writing

Having a one-track mind can be good when you direct your obsession on improving your life!⁠

Having a one-track mind can be good when you direct your obsession on improving your life!⁠

Having a one-track mind can be good when you direct your obsession on improving your life!⁠

Having a one-track mind can be good when you direct your obsession on improving your life!⁠ 😃

As a young boy, I was one-track minded when I wanted something. When I directed my obsessive energy at bettering myself like my skills for soccer or my knowledge for school, I could do great things. However, when I obsessed over things I couldn’t control, it could hamper my mindset.⁠

Sometime during my time in 4th grade & 5th grade in elementary school, I wanted a G.I. Joe jet toy really badly. My mom said, “No, unless, I do well in school.” A year or two later, I achieved the grades needed to satisfy my mom in getting that toy. She taught me a huge lesson on the importance of bettering yourself & earning material goods the hard way. Honestly, many material things are just a bonus, most of which we can live without. When you work really hard for something, you really value it.⁠ 😊

Even now, I have a strong & long-lasting high off of improving myself instead of simply buying something to get that quick & short-lasting high. Things that I want are rewards for my hard work. By the way, I still have that G.I. Joe jet. It reminds me of the lesson my mom taught me. I love her so much.⁠ ❤️

Click on our link to enter the world of the +positive masters+, an e-commerce store at http://www.positivemasters.com that provides mindset practices, motivational writing & apparel with mantras to boost your happiness & counter any stress, anxiety, sadness or anger that you may be undergoing. 🛍️⁠

For pointers on how to live a happier life, discounts on our merchandise, & updates on our latest products & services, become a member of the +positive masters+ club by subscribing to our email list here at www.positivemasters.com.

Receive powerful bursts of motivation through our writing & visuals, & get updates on our exciting products & services to boost your personal growth by following us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter & TikTok!⁠

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Filed under Blog, Branding, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Motivational, Positive Living, Quotes, Writing

It feels good knowing that you’re bettering you’re mindset, body, relationships, and skillsets!

It feels good knowing that you're bettering you're mindset, body, relationships, and skillsets!

It feels good knowing that you’re bettering you’re mindset, body, relationships, and skillsets!

It feels good knowing that you’re bettering you’re mindset, body, relationships, and skillsets!

Pictured on the beautiful model is our Entourage Logo Women’s Crop Top T-Shirt, which can be purchased by clicking on our link and visiting www.positivemasters.com! On the design from left to right is Master 7 (master of mindset), Master 8 (master of health), Master 3 (master of relationships), and Master 5 (master of financial peace).

+positive masters+ is an e-commerce store at www.positivemasters.com that provides mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with mantras to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more! 🛍️

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Filed under Apparel, Blog, Branding, Business, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Motivational, Positive Living, Psychology, Quotes, Writing

When times get tough, love yourself more! ❤️

When times get tough, love yourself more! During times of hardship, having alone time to replenish your energy is important. Activities such as self-reflection, meditation, reading, taking a nice walk outside, listening to a motivating podcast, journaling, drawing, designing, and creative writing can lift your spirit.

When times get tough, love yourself more! ❤️

When times get tough, love yourself more! ❤️

During times of hardship, having alone time to replenish your energy is important. Activities such as self-reflection, meditation, reading, taking a nice walk outside, listening to a motivating podcast, journaling, drawing, designing, and creative writing can lift your spirit. 😊

My friends, if you’re going through a slump, I feel you. There are days, I get up and question myself. “Why do I keep going?” When I restate my personal mission statement, I’m empowered by my “why,” so I keep doing my best. Sending positive energy to you! 🙌

With Warmest Aloha,

Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at www.positivemasters.com that provides mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with mantras to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more! 🛍️

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Filed under Blog, Branding, Business, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Life Coach, Love, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Positive Living, Psychology, Quotes, Writing

Master 8 encourages us to take care of our body by exercising, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping.

Navy Master 8 Cuffed BeanieMaster 8 encourages us to take care of our body by exercising, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping. Master 8 points out the importance of having a positive mindset (Master 7), positive relationships (Master 3), and financial peace (Master 5) to reduce the impact stress has on our health, therefore, he works with the other masters to incorporate their practices. In our blog at www.positivemasters.com, you can read a number of these practices that we posted. 😃⁠

Here’s our Master 8 Cuffed Beanie to motivate you take care of your health. It’s also great for keeping your head warm on those cool and chilly days. The description of these beanies are as follows: 100% Turbo Acrylic; 12″ in length; Hypoallergenic; Unisex style; and Yupoong 1501KC is the make. 🏂⁠

Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at www.positivemasters.com that provides mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with mantras to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more! 🛍️⁠

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Filed under Apparel, Blog, Branding, Business, Clothing, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Happiness, Health, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Motivational, Positive Living, Psychology, Quotes, Writing

Picture yourself doing the things you love. Draft up your plans. Now do it!

Picture yourself doing the things you love. Draft up your plans. Now do it!

Make your vision real by drafting up your life plan, annual plan, and daily plan.

Envision the life you want, doing the things you love. Make your vision real by drafting up your life plan, annual plan, and daily plan. 💻📑

😃 (1) Your life plan shows every big goal you will execute on until your projected death. Your plan will change as you evolve and as you deal with different circumstances. Mine has been a living document since my late teens, constantly changing over time. ✏

😀 (2) Second, every new year, create your annual plan, which will have your medium goals that bring you closer to your large goals in your life plan. Your annual plan will evolve over the year as opportunities and obstacles get thrown at you. ✒📓 📖

😉 (3) Third and most importantly, schedule your work into your calendar every day with a number of 1/2-hour or 1-hour blocks of work sessions. Each work session block counts as a win. You can also quantify your wins by amount such as the number of articles you wrote, the number of marketing ads you launched, the number of designs you created, or the number of times you exercised. By counting your daily wins, you are making sure you are taking action and progressing towards your vision. With this system, you will stack up thousands of small wins every year that will eventually lead you to those big wins you desire! 👊

Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at www.positivemasters.com that provides mindset practices, motivational writing, and mantra apparel and accessories to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more! 👕 👚🧢🛍️


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Filed under Branding, Business, Career, Consistency, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Goals, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Positive Living, Productivity, Quotes, Success, Writing

You live in a fable.

This poem is about reinventing yourself and the fears you face in pursuing your new dreams as you push yourself way past your comfort zone.

This poem is about reinventing yourself and the fears you face in pursuing your new dreams as you push yourself way past your comfort zone.

You live in a fable.⁠

They laugh at you and call you unstable.⁠

You’re not playing your role.⁠

Nothing about it is fun.⁠

That’s why you threw away the script and wrote another one.⁠

– Positive Masters, Jon Riki Karamatsu, Poem, 5/22/2019 -⁠

I dedicate this poem to all of you going through the process of reinventing yourself. It can be a bit scary to push yourself way past your comfort zone. You’re not sure what lies in the future but you plan for the best, learn new skills, gain greater knowledge, and expand your relationships. For this, I commend you! 🙌⁠

Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at www.positivemasters.com that provides lifestyle practices, creative writing, apparel, accessories, and fashion to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more! 🛍️⁠

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Filed under Blog, Branding, Business, Creative Writing, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mindset, Motivational, Poems, Quotes, Writing

Without a difficult journey, there is no hero – you! Take that journey!

Without a difficult journey, there is no hero - You! Take that journey!

Without a difficult journey, there is no hero – You! Take that journey!

Without a difficult journey, there is no hero – you! Take that journey! 😃

Pictured here is our Consistency & Patience Mantra Women’s Fit T-Shirt, which you can purchase at Positive Masters, an e-commerce store at www.positivemasters.com that provides lifestyle practices, creative writing, apparel, accessories, and fashion to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more! 🛍

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Work at your happy place. Focus on what you can control. Attack your small goals every day. Execute my positive life practices consistently.

Focus on what you can control. Work on your small goals daily and count your wins for a dopamine rush.

I enjoy working on my 2013 MacBook Pro and Galaxy S7 Edge smartphone. These two machines are my pals. I’m super grateful for them. They’re an extension of me.

Here’s my work set-up at Starbucks @starbucks @waikelestarbucks on the 4th of July, 2019. To control my anxiety, I keep attacking my writing, logistics, designing, and reading to execute on my many small goals every day. 💻 By the way, I love my @apple Macbook Pro and my Samsung @samsungmobile Galaxy S7 Edge, my pals.

When I stop working, that’s when my dark thoughts take over so I counter them with all my lifestyle practices until I can get myself to sleep: mindfulness, gratitude, exercise, good food & beverages, time with positive people, work at my happy place, breath techniques, write from my heart, read books to improve myself, listen to music, update my daily goals and wins in my calendar, meditate, get some sunlight, look at the sky, drink green tea, smell an uplifting or relaxing scent, pray to my loved ones who passed away, talk to my mom, talk to my friend, and much more. My friends, do your daily practices every day to keep your soul bright.

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Do you get high off of running and walking?

Running gives me the runner’s high with the #endorphins and #dopamine kicking in. 🏃‍♂️

Walking and absorbing the beauty of the sky, clouds, and sunset puts me in a powerful state of presence where I feel a #spiritual and #emotional connection with the beauty of my surroundings. ⛅

Here’s a picture of the sunset in Waikele, Hawaii on March 14, 2019.

Do you get high off of running and walking? 😀

#running #walking #exercise #mindful #mindfulness #gratitude #grateful #thankful #happy #runnershigh #walkingmeditation #stressrelief #anxietyrelief #mentalhealth #mindset #psychology #selfhelp #selfimprovement #positivemindset

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Growth Mindset

I’m a strong believer in having a positive mindset in order to be happier and more fulfilled in life.  In this post, I would like to point out the importance of us having a growth mindset, which is believing that our abilities and intelligence can be developed.  We can develop our knowledge and skills by reading and practicing everyday.  The more we work on our knowledge and skills, the better we get.  If we keep up this daily practice, over time, we may attain the knowledge and become very good at the skills we envisioned ourselves achieving.

I like to schedule in my Google calendar blocks of time to learning and building skills and I color code them according to the subject matter.  I count each 30-minute period of learning or practicing as a “win” in my Count My Wins program I created for myself.  This program gives me a natural high from the happy chemicals released when I finish each 30-minute self-development session. I’m a very curious person so I push myself even in areas I’m unfamiliar with.  I really want to become a better person mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Have fun in your self-development!  Crush it!

3 of my daily practices: growth mindset, mindfulness, and gratitude.

(I took a picture of these plants and trees in Waikele, Hawaii on March 12, 2019. They represent growth in our growth mindset practice. I’m always mindful of the beauty around me. I’m grateful to experience such simple pleasures.)

#growthmindset #learn #read #skills #skillset #skillsets #practice #practices #dailypractice #habits #selfdevelop #mind #body #soul #positivemindset #mindset #mindfulness #mindful #gratitude #grateful #thankful #trees #plants #sky #simplepleasures


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Gratitude & Maximize Tools for Our Self-development!!!

I’m grateful for all those who create value for us, especially the tools we use in our self-development! I often post about my gratitude for my @apple Macbook Pro because it’s my biggest tool I use to learn and produce value for others. Here, @asics shoes, specifically the Asics Kayano running shoes plays a huge role in my health since this is my go to shoes for running, walking, and casual wear. I already wore them for the 2019 Great Aloha Run @greataloharun !They’re supportive, light, and very comfortable! I also love the design and colors, which plays a role in lifting my spirit! 🥇 👟

Get products that are not only practical but visually and spiritually uplifting! That way we’re productive and mentally lifted!!! 🥇

These are 2 of my daily practices: gratitude and maximize tools for our self-development!!! Attack your vision and dreams my friends!!! With Warmest Aloha,

#asics #asicskayano #runningshoes #shoes #value #gratitude #grateful #thankful #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement #selfimprove #selfhelp #health #mentalhealth #exercise #happiness #mindset #positivemindset #toolsforsuccess #dreams #goals #vision

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Sending Love to Those Who Compare, Complain, & Hate.

I ran my 11th Great Aloha Run, an 8.15 mile race from Aloha Tower to Aloha Stadium! It felt nice to get out in the sun & run, one of my practices to lower my anxiety, stress, & any low feelings.

I recently lost my aunty, a really sweet & kind person. I’m still in shock & grieving. Her passing has hit me really hard.

Today, I got blasted by a blogger for my efforts on an aviation business project I’ve been working on w/ my business partners since 2015. It really hurts. My business partners & I have been working tirelessly w/ no pay for about 3.5 years. I’ve never been so poor in my life. For those business people who told me they lost or almost lost their home because of their sacrifice to build a service or product, I totally understand. There have been times where I’ve cried by myself, wondering why I put myself through such struggle. Yet my business partners & I keep working despite the pain because we have so much passion in what we do & believe in the potential it will provide for the community. The critics should try putting themselves out there & risk their money & time on business, politics, & the arts. Maybe they would feel empathetic for those who put their heart & soul on a value for others to use or enjoy. I don’t understand how humans can be so cold as to try & damage others & even desire suffering onto others. I invite my critics to spend a week with me as I draft documents, meet w/ community leaders, write fiction & nonfiction, read books & laws, create branding content for a restaurant, volunteer for a nonprofit, meditate, do my gratitude prayers, play with my little nieces & 2nd cousins, go through anxiety on my business projects, & face the deaths of people I love. Maybe then, they will see me. I hope by the end of that week, they can feel that I care for them to find happiness within themselves. Creating & working with others is much more upbeat & positive than always comparing, complaining, & hating. Heck, there is nothing positive w/ comparing, complaining, & hating. I wish these people love & happiness.

#empathy #compassion #business #politics #arts #entrepreneurship #critics #haters #exercise #anxiety #stressrelief #love #happiness

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1st Exercise of 2019

I ran 4.19 miles on the 1st day of 2019! The sun was out, and the air was crisp and cool. I’m wore my 2017 @honolulumarathon shirt, @asics Kayano 23 shoes and socks, @underarmour shorts, and @armpocket case for my @samsungmobile Galaxy S7 Edge. I really enjoy using my @bose soundsport for exercise and everyday use. In 2018, I exercised 214 times. I plan to exercise at least 200 times in 2019 but with more intensity. Have fun with you 2019 exercise goals!

#run #running #runner #runners #jog #jogging #jogger #joggers #exercise #sports #health #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spiritualhealth #mind #body #soul #honolulumarathon #bose #bosesoundsport #asics #asicskayano #underarmour #samsung #samsungmobile #galaxys7edge #goals #vision #hustle #tenacity

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Exercise is a Super Practice

I ran just under 3 miles in the crisp air. Exercise is one of the key practices to boost our physical, mental, and spiritual health. It’s a super habit, along with sleep and gratitude that makes us feel unstoppable with what we set ourselves out to do!

#exercise #exercising #run #running #runner #runners #jog #jogging #jogger #joggers #practice #practices #habit #habits #dailypractice #dailyhabits #goal #goals #vision #unstoppable #health #mentalhealth #spiritualhealth #mind #body #soul

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St. Louis Drive Inn in Honolulu, Hawaii after the 2018 Honolulu Marathon

I’m so thankful for my mom who has been waking up about 3 a.m. every year to drive me from the Westside of Oahu to the Honolulu Marathon’s starting line by Ala Moana Beach Park. Then she picks me up at about 10 a.m. at Kapiolani Park after I complete the run and receive my medal, shell lei, finisher shirt, malasada (Portuguese fried donut), banana, and Gatorade or water.

After finishing the Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 9, 2018, my mom and I went to St. Louis Drive Inn for lunch. My mom had an apple turnover and coffee. I chose the fresh seafood plate, which includes sashimi, mahi mahi, shrimp tempura. Ono! (Delicious in Hawaiian language). If you haven’t tried St. Louis Drive Inn yet, or are a visitor wanting to eat what the locals in Hawaii eat, check the drive inn out at 3145 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii.

#honolulumarathon #marathon #marathons #marathoner #run #running #runner #exercise #health #mom #lunch #driveinn #restaurant #restaurants #hawaiirestaurants #hawaiifood #travelfood #platelunch #seafood #ahi #sashimi #shrimptempura #tempura #mahimahi #mindful #mindfulness #gratitude #grateful #thankful #happy

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2018 Honolulu Marathon

I ran my 11th Honolulu Marathon on Sunday December 9, 2018.

#honolulumarathon #marathon #marathons #marathoner #running #run #runner #exercise #gratitude #grateful #thankful #mindful #mindfulness #accomplishment #goal #goals #health #mentalhealth #mindset #happy

2018 Honolulu Marathon

2018 Honolulu Marathon.

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A smile to a stranger goes a long way.

I ran 5 miles in Waikele, Oahu, Hawaii on Monday October 29, 2018 at about 2:00 P.M. I ran up the hill to the upper part of Waikele. At the top, I smiled and waved to a female professional groundskeeper who was working on the front area of a house on the main street with her co-workers, a man and another woman. Their white van was parked on the driveway that stuck out onto the sidewalk. A little surprised, her serious face turned into a smile, and she waved back.

When I reached the house again on my second lap, I had slowed down into a walk, resulting from me being out of shape and the heat from the intense humidity. The same lady went out of the way to meet me on the street. “Did you run around? she asked with a beaming smile.

“Yes,” I answered.

“How many miles is it?”

“It’s about 2 miles.” The neighborhood block contains several planned communities within Waikele and about 40% of the Waikele Premium Outlets, which is about 2.5 miles to go around.

“Have a good one!” she cheered.

“Thank you!” Her happy energy pumped me up to get back into a run.

I stopped by the Waikele Community Park to drink water from a water faucet near the swimming pool. As I walked out into the parking lot, I saw the lady again in the driver seat of a the white van with her colleagues inside. They were parked in a stall near the grass of the park.

Upon eye contact, we enthusiastically waved at each other with laughter.

I put my hand by my mouth like it was half of a megaphone. “I’m following you!” I joked.

She laughed and made a running motion with her arms and upper body. “I want to run like you,” she said.

“Have a good day!” I told her. Happy, I was again motivated to run the last part of the way home.

This was one of only three people I spoke to that day and it made my day!

When I got home, I was even more happier when I found out entrepreneur James Altucher liked one of my haiku pictures I posted about going within ourselves to build, explore, and create. Plus, earlier that day, a business partner of mine from Kona, Hawaii emailed my a nice message, following up on a great meeting we had last Thursday at Starbucks in Waikele. All this positive energy is motivating me to finish my 3rd edits/4th draft of my 2nd novel, a historical, suspense, and romance based in Baghdad, Iraq during the U.S. occupation.

Everyday we can spread love through a smile!

#exercise #run #running #training #marathon #honolulumarathon #smile #greet #stranger #groundskeeper #entrepreneur #jamesaltucher #business #aviation #partner #writing #novel #book #honolulumarathonshirt #asics #asicskayano #bose #bosesoundsport #waikele #oahu #hawaii #happy #happiness #joy #mindful #mindfulness #gratitude #love

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Running Outdoors

No pill can pack all the health benefits of exercise. It’s good for our mind and body. My favorite is running outdoors. I’ve enjoyed running since my days playing soccer.

#exercise #running #run #outdoors #health #mind #body #waikele #hawaii #mindfulness

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Walking and Running

This evening I walked 1.5 mile to Office Depot in Waikele to buy printer cartridges, then ran 2.5 miles. Love my Bose Soundsport. Grateful for my Nike shirt from my sister Lara. My shoes, Asics Kayano. Visor, Nike. Exercise plays a big role in maintaining my physical and mental health.

#exercise #walking #running #nike #shirt #visor #asics #kayano #shoes #bose #bosesoundsport #health #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #positivemindset #mindfulness #gratitude #waikele #hawaii

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Moonlit Walk in Waikele, Hawaii

My moonlit walk home last night after working on a bunch of business agreements and documents.

#business #entrepreneurship #law #transactionallaw #aviation #walking #waikele #oahu #hawaii #exercise #mindfulness #gratitude

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Enjoying My Walks

Enjoying my walks.

#walking #exercise #bose #bosesoundsport #earbuds #rei #bookpackerplus #backpack #samuraiumbrella #macbookpro #mindfulness #gratitude #waikele #hawaii

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Attacking Our Long-Term Goals

When attacking my long-term goals, it usually takes 6 to 7 years for them to manifest. I have one goal that is on its 12th year. To quell the worry monster inside us from wondering if we will get there, or if all these years of work are worth it, we can keep working on each project step by step, day by day to knock off many small wins until we reach our vision. Each small win gives us a dopamine rush or feelings of accomplishment! Also, we can be like water, and adjust to receive different variations of our dreams.

#goals #dreams #stepbystep #daybyday #education #sports #exercise #health #career #politics #law #business #entrepreneurship #writing #fiction #nonfiction #books #aviation #nonprofit #charity #process #progress #mindset #patience #determination #relentless #tenacity #mindfulness #gratitude

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My REI Backpack

Switched to my REI backpack today since my other backpack started to fall apart near one of the straps. This was my backpack during law school. Lugging too much stuff. Got R2D2 (my Macbook Pro) and my samurai umbrella. Ready to do some evening work!


#backpack #rei #walk #walking #exercise #work #writing #business #entrepreneurship #hustle#grind #tenacity #macbookpro #samuraiumbrella #mindfulness #gratitude #hawaii

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Happy Place and Peaceful Walk

Walked home at 11 P.M. on March 6, 2018 after Starbucks closed. There’s a peacefulness in walking alone while listening to an educational podcast after a day’s work at a place that helps me to attain a level of peace, happiness, and productivity.

#starbucks #coffeeshop #work #walking #walk #exercise #educational #podcast #peace #innerpeace #happiness #productivity #mindfulness #gratitude

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Combine Exercise and Work!

I had a nice 1-mile walk to my office, Starbucks in Waikele to do work this evening of 2/27/2018. The energy I get from coffee shops motivates me to accomplish some small wins. This reminds me of my law school days when I walked everywhere, even in the snow and ice. Gratitude for my Hawaii lifestyle!

#walk #walking #exercise #work #office #starbucks #coffeeshop #macbookpro #macbook #apple #waikele #hawaii #mindfulness #gratitude

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Our Dreams Light The Way

Our dreams light the way. Even if it’s a speck of light far away in a mass of darkness, we’ve got to keep working towards it. Our dreams give us purpose in life, and for some of us, even reasons to live. Whether visible or not, many are cheering you on! Keep going!

#dreams #light #goals #selfdevelopment #entrepreneurship #business #law #aviation #hangar #exercise #health #peace #innerpeace #empathy #gratitude #mindfulness #hawaii

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Motivate Myself

Started my early morning of February 13, 2018 with some oatmeal with banana, green tea latte, and a motivational entrpreneurial video. My goals for this week: update the business plan for our FBO company, complete 1,800 words for a total of 70,000 words for my 2nd novel, draft performance agreement and partner agreement for a concert I have a minority interest in, write the strategy for a variance request for the development of homes for a development and construction company I’m working with, craft some policies regarding land use for an agency I’m doing volunteer work for, run 4+ miles 4x, and review latest construction repairs for Jodo Shu Hawaii.

#entrepreneurship #business #law #transactionallaw #fbo #aviation #concert #music #novel #book #development #buildinghomes #landuse #policies #run #exercise #construction #repairs #nonprofit #motivate #grind #keepgoing

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Being open about our vulnerability takes great strength, which will connect one another as we progress forward.

#vulnerability #authenticity #keepitreal #peace #innerpeace #challenges #life #love #relationships #career #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #business #law #attorney #romance #struggles #failure #challenges #sadness #mindfulness #comeback #gratitude #health #exercise #running

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Daily practice on my little goals!!!

Ready to do some work!!! Daily practice on my little goals!!!

#business #law #entrepreneurship #aviation #construction #entertainment #concerts #writing #novels #books #exercise #love #romance #friends #family #life #peace #hawaii #world


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Keep writing the story of your life!

Keep writing the story of your life!!! Next chapter!!!

#business #law #entrepreneurship #aviation #construction #entertainment #concerts #writing #novels #books #exercise #love #romance #friends #family #life #peace #hawaii #world #quote #quotes


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Anything is possible when you have dragons!!!

Anything is possible when you have dragons!!! Let’s keep attacking our goals like a dragon on fire!!! Oh, and a nice lover to share the experiences with, would be a bonus. 😍

#goal #goals #tenacity #determination #persistence #dreams #business #entrepreneurship #law #writing #creativewriting #books #novels #haikupoems #poems #love #romance #peace #exercise #quote #quotes #hawaii #gameofthrones #georgerrmartin #mindfulness #gratitude


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Exercise for our Mind

Combined with gratitude, exercise is a powerful practice because it not only develops our body, but our mind. Mental health is key in maintaining a positive outlook, which tremendously supports our career and personal life.

#exercise #mind #body #soul #health #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #mindfulness #gratitude #24hourfitness #mililani #hawaii

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Positive Energy from a Lucky Piggy Bank

Getting some positive energy from my lucky piggy bank, and sending positive energy to all of you in your endeavors! Keep going!

#positiveenergy #piggybank goodluckpiggybank #goodluck #keepgoing #daily #effort #tenacity #career #business #exercise #education #projects #mindfulness #gratitude #honolulu #hawaii

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