Daily Archives: March 24, 2018

Happiness is fueled by a combination of positive practices.

Happiness is fueled by a combination of positive practices. I have 70. I’m going to write about this for one of my fun projects.

#happiness #happy #joy #howto #howtobehappy #practices #positivepractices #writing #starbucks #waikele #hawaii

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Filed under Books, Creative Writing, Happiness, Life Coach, Mental Health, Positive Living, Uncategorized, Writing

Keep Going

Sometimes it’s hard to produce work. Forcing myself to keep going, and it becomes fun again as the momentum builds. Reading and writing this afternoon and evening of Saturday March 24, 2018.

#habits #tenacity #persistence #determination #goals #writing #reading #business #entrepreneurship #fiction #novels #creativewriting #starbucks #waikele #hawaii

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Filed under Books, Business, Career, Creative Writing, Entrepreneurship, Fiction, Motivation, Productivity, Writing

My Swiss Army Pocket Knife

My Swiss Army Knife from my parents when they visited Switzerland as they toured Europe some years ago. It has my first and middle name on it. I made the leather knife holder with my initials on it when I was a Cub Scout in Pack 75 of Pearl City, Hawaii and used it through Boy Scouts of Troop 75 and Team 75 of Pearl City, Hawaii and up to now. Scouting taught me about learning, teamwork, and perserverance. I had to use my knife’s scissors to open up a small package of snacks from Japan while I typed and read last night at Starbucks. Grateful for these useful items!

#swissarmyknife #switzerland #leatherknifeholder #cubscouts #pack75 #boyscouts #eaglescout #troop75 #team75 #scouting #learning #teamwork #perserverance #mindfulness #gratitude #macbookpro #starbucks #waikele #hawaii

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Filed under Gratitude, Happiness, Life, Positive Living