Tag Archives: oatmeal

Breakfast for energy, productivity, maintaining weight, and essential nutrients!

When I was younger, I often skipped breakfast and went straight to work. Now, I do my best to eat breakfast. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Breakfast gives us that boost of energy to wake us up and move forward in our day.
  2. Breakfast fuels our brain and helps us with our concentration and information retention, key for our productivity.
  3. Breakfast helps us maintain our weight by increasing our metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day.
  4. Having a healthy breakfast provides us the essential nutrients we need for the day.


I’m pictured here on the morning of Tuesday March 19, 2019. I had just awakened with puffed up and uncombed hair. I’m holding my bowl with oatmeal and sliced banana. These foods are very beneficial for us, which I’ll go over in future posts.

My daily practices: breakfast, mindfulness, and gratitude!

Have yourself a wonderful breakfast so you can attack your day with a healthy mind and body!

With Warmest Aloha, Jon

#breakfast #meal #firstmeal #food #energy #morning #routine #habits #practices #practice #health #metabolism #weight #mentalhealth #mind #body #productivity #concentration #memory #body #oatmeal #banana #mindful #mindfulness #grateful #thankful #gratitude


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Filed under Food, Gratitude, Health, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Positive Living, Productivity, Writing

Oatmeal as part of my Health Strategy

I used to be in the top 1% with my health examinations, but a year ago, my LDL or bad cholesterol went up into the high-risk zone. Stress from my high-risk endeavors and eating out with not the healthiest foods so I could keep working on my projects may have contributed to this. My HDL or good cholesterol has always been high, which helps, but I wanted to improve, so I’ve been eating oatmeal regularly, as well as brown rice, other grains, and vegetables to get the fiber I needed to take away the bad cholesterol. I also increased my exercise to help raise my HDL. This year, my doctor and I were happy I’m back in the healthy zone. Here I am on the morning of October 14, 2017, about to cook my oatmeal. May good health be with you! The longer we live, the more we can do!

#health #healthyfood #nutrition #oatmeal #quakeroats #cholesterol #goodhealth #effort #habits #determination #tenacity #goals #mind #body #soul #honolulu #hawaii

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Filed under Consistency, Cooking, Food, Goals, Gratitude, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Life Coach, Mindfulness, Motivation

Benefits of Oatmeal

Oatmeal is often a part of my breakfast and it is very healthy. I like to eat it with a little bit of cinnamon and sugar. It is easy and quick to make, and a great way to boost my day. I usually buy Quaker Oats but other brands will do fine as well. Here are a few benefits of oatmeal. 

#oatmeal #oats #oat #breakfast #healthy #health #benefits #nutrition #nutritious #happiness #food #foods #superfood #superfoods #mind #body #soul #quaker #quakeroats #quakerbreakfast 

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