Tag Archives: Agreements

Technology has made it easier for us to produce and consume.

Technology has made it easier for us to produce and consume. When I started an Internet retail store selling Hawaiian themed products back in 2002, customers were increasingly becoming more comfortable on buying products online. Now, it’s a part of our lifestyle. It’s such an exciting time where we don’t need offices and brick and mortar stores. We can bypass the gatekeepers and provide value straight to the consumers. We can research and learn online. We can produce content and services on our computers. We can communicate with one another in many ways. It’s also a great time for artists and entrepreneurs to disrupt markets and be found. I just love this time period and it will keep getting better!

In this picture, I was working on my @apple Macbook Pro in the lounge of a hotel on March 6, 2019 before my lunch meeting with a law client in regards to business contracts and business documents. Isn’t this lounge and all the plants beautiful!

I’m so grateful for technology and all of my technology toys for work! They make the hustle fun!

My daily practice: mindfulness and gratitude!

#technology #internet #online #apple #macbookpro #laptop #computer #workanywhere #law #businesslaw #transactionallaw #contractlaw #agreements #contracts #attorney #lawyer #business #entrepreneur #waikiki #oahu #honolulu #hawaii #hustle #grind #work #fun #mindfulness #mindful #gratitude #grateful

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Filed under Business, Career, Computer, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Gratitude, Laptop, Law, Life Coach, Mindfulness, Motivation, Productivity, Quotes, Writing

Good Day For Work On January 4, 2017

Today was a good day for work. I will be working with a client, an entrepreneur with a one to one and employee coaching company. Submitted a document for support services for the aviation company I’m building with my business partners. The highlight was signing a land deal with a public notary on behalf of my business partners for 15.15 acres for our aviation company. I signed the agreement with my Parker pen, a college graduation gift that I’ve been using since December 21, 1997, which is also the date of my birthday. 2018, here we go!!!

#business #entrepreneurship #law #agreements #contracts #landdeal #aviation #mindfulness #gratitude

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Litigation Strategy for a Construction Company

Drafted some litigation strategy for a construction company for the past couple days. Here’s a picture of my lay-out in my office during the early morning of November 15, 2017.

#law #businesslaw #constructionlaw #transactionallaw #litigation #contracts #agreements #construction #honolulu #hawaii


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Filed under Business, Career, Computer, Law, Mindfulness, Motivation, Productivity, Study, Writing

What has happened, happened, what will happen, will happen.

What has happened has happened, what will happen, will happen. But what we can control is what we do in the present moment. Mindfulness and Non-Attachment are two extremely powerful practices that help us to keep moving forward. After a busy day of meetings, events, and time with loved ones today, Sunday September 3, 2017, I took a cool shower (sensual therapy) to wake me up, and went to Starbucks (my happy place) so I can get some energy and motivation to continue working on the documents for my business projects. May this post help you to do what you have to do.

#mindfulness #nonattachment #past #future #present #starbucks #caramelmachiatto #apple #macbookpro #macbook # bose #boseheadset #motivation #energy #entrepreneur  #entrepreneurship #business #law #agreements #contracts

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Work at Starbucks

In the afternoon of Saturday September 2, 2017, I moved my work from my home to Starbucks in Waipio, Hawaii. I gave it a shot to try and finish an analysis on another redline of the contract for our land deal. I spent 4.25 hours, but it looks like I have to continue later. My energy level has been boosted though. I love my Apple MacBook Pro, which allows me to work anywhere and anytime!!! Let’s go some more!!! 

#starbucks #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #law #transactionallaw #contracts #agreements #businesslaw #startupbusiness #startup #business #aviation #wins #smallwins #macbook #macbookpro #apple #gratitude

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Filed under Business, Career, Consistency, Entrepreneurship, Gratitude, Law, Life Coach, Mindfulness, Motivational, Positive Living, Productivity, Uncategorized

Celebrate the Small Wins!

Celebrate the small wins and the big wins. I’ve been analyzing government policies consisting of 679 pages and other related documents for an agreement I’m working on. I’m almost done typing my analysis document. For motivation, I had a chocolate dipped ice cream at McDonald’s in Pearl City, Hawaii with my friend Brandon Mitsuda on June 13, 2017.

#law #transactionallaw #agreements #agreement #contract #contracts #business #entrepreneurship #attorney #governmentaffairs #chocolatedippedicecream #icecream   #mcdonalds #motivation #wins 

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Filed under Business, Career, Entrepreneurship, Food, Gratitude, Mindfulness, Motivation, Positive Living

Misty Copeland inspired my day – I wrote for 7.5 hours on my counter-offer document.

Yesterday morning of March 8, 2017, as I prepared for my day, I turned on my smart TV to watch an educational video on entrepreneurship, business, culture, or psychology, which I do so daily, when by chance I came across a video about Misty Copeland, the first African American principal ballerina for a major ballet company, which was very inspiring. The story was fitting since it was International Women’s Day.

I ended up having my best day writing for this year so far for either fiction or nonfiction. I wrote for a total of 7.5 hours broken into 3 sessions to complete a 12-page counter offer document for an agreement consisting of over 300 pages that I’m working on for an aviation development project I have with my business partners. I’m estimating that I probably wrote about 3,500 to 4,000 words for my document today that had a total of 6,466 words.

Here’s the video of Misty Copeland that jump-started my day even though I’m still feeling weak from the illness that I had the past week.

Later I found Misty Copeland’s Under Armor commercial that’s inspiring as well.  Here it is:

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