Tag Archives: change

Barkers vs. Doers

Everywhere you work, you will see barkers and doers who rise to the top whether in companies, government, nonprofits, and start-ups.

Barkers are people who bark. They tell people what to do, judge, and take the credit, equity, and power. Often times, they are alphas or wannabe alphas. They can rise by organizing, speaking, and strategizing. They fill their void with people with knowledge, skills, and experience to get what they want.

Doers will do the work. They lead by example. If there is a problem, they will give it their all to figure it out. Doers can also be alphas, but their barking is mainly spoken through their actions. Many doers are also Sigmas, emotionally intelligent people who attract others with their caring personality. People follow them because they want to rather than have to.

I had a long talk with my close, longtime friend last night while on my run. I have a handful of high risk projects on my plate. All of my work for these projects take deep thinking, reasoning, and creativity. According to scientists and productivity experts, 4 hours is the amount of time most people can do such deep work uninterrupted in a day. After that fatigue makes it challenging to do deep work. It also reduces your quality of work. Therefore, time is extremely valuable.

My brand and creative writing has been pushed to the back lately in place of my other projects. I’m using a productivity app called Forest @forest_app that helps identify how many hours I am allocating to each project. I seriously need to dedicate more of my hours toward my brand and creative writing. I will use my Forest app to reach this goal.

Keep crushing it my friends! ❤

109th Exercise for 2021: Ran 4.15 miles & did 57th strength training – 200 crunches & 200 push-ups (Ran 329.64 mi. total for 2021).

#work #productivity #personality #personalities #personalitytypes #doers #barkers #psychology #philosophy #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #howtobehappier #enjoythejourney #onelifetolive #dailyeffort #habits #consistency #dailyhustle #goals #dailcare #selfcare #perspective #stressremedies #anxietyrelief #anxietyremedies #keepgoing #stepbystep #crushit #rockyourwork #positivemindset

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Filed under Blog, Entrepreneurship, Exercise, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Passion Projects, Philosophy, Positive Living, Productivity, Quotes, Writing

4: Positive Masters Show Podcast – How to Keep Growing Mentally, Physically, & Spiritually – Audiogram

This is a clip from Episode 4 of the Positive Masters Show – Matching Your Passions With Your Projects. I expanded it with more written details on how we can keep growing mentally, physically, & spiritually with the following actionable process:

1. Executing on your plans.

2. Creating various simulations of your future in your mind based on your past failure and success.

3. Iterating your plans and executing on them.

4. Repeating this process.

Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform or our Positive Masters Youtube Channel.

Enjoy the Positive Masters universe at www.positivemasters.com for mindset and business practices, motivational podcast episodes and writing, and apparel and accessories with inspirational mantras to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger that you may be facing.

In the future, we’ll be offering online courses to strengthen your mindset using psychology, philosophy, mindset practices, and lifestyle practices. We’ll also have online courses to help you turn your passion project into your passion business using legal documents, government programs, and business tools.

Thank you!

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Filed under Blog, E-commerce, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Passion Projects, Podcast, Positive Living, Productivity, Quotes, Writing, Youtube

Try tweaking your personal life and business to make a pivot.

Try tweaking your personal life and business to make a pivot.

Try tweaking your personal life and business to make a pivot.

Try tweaking your personal life and business to make a pivot.

A couple of days ago, I walked around my neighborhood with my friend Claire Ann Niibu @bizcoachclaire who I’ve known since our time as students at Pearl City High School. She’s a business coach who consults in person and offers online courses such as accounting at www.bizcoachclaire.com. We shared our latest happenings in our lives. “I feel like I reached my limits,” I explained. Throughout 2020, I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed and worn down with my business projects and personal challenges. To top it off, like many of you, the Coronavirus has made things worse. How can I feel like this when I apply so many psychology, philosophy, and mindset practices in my life? I share these practices on my personal blog here at www.jonriki.com, on +positive masters+ blog at www.positivemasters.com, and on +positive masters+ and my social media platforms. Yes, I still go through my ups and downs. In my most challenging times, even with the full force of all the mindset practices I utilize, sometimes all I need is a motivational comment from a friend to snap me out of my dark cloud.

Claire told me to try to make some tweaks in my life and business. Using the word “tweak” total shifted my perception of what I needed to do. Rather than being overwhelmed by the huge mountain I have to climb that’s way out in the distance, I started seeing the different trails in front of me. Maybe, I’ll take a different path, or heck, I should go off of these paths and travel where no one really goes. I’ll wear different shoes with more support. As I hike, instead of only listening to music, I’ll mix in some motivational podcasts. Hmmm, these tweaks are making the journey more fun! I’m noticing the little yellow flowers in the green meadow swaying with the breeze and the puffy white clouds floating across the light blue sky. Reaching the top of the snowcapped mountain is just a bonus. It’s the journey that makes life interesting.

Likewise, I need to see the beauty of my journey in my career. I love learning. Therefore, I have to uncover exciting knowledge that will spark fresh ideas. I get a high off of building new skills. Thus, I need to push the boundaries to try different things that will develop the skills that I need to execute on my ideas. Yup, trial and error, that’s how we evolve. Numerous of iterations and tweaks – that’s what we need to do to keep moving towards our dreams.

Wishing you the best in your journey of personal growth!

With Warmest Aloha,
Jon Riki Karamatsu
+positive masters+

Enter the +positive masters+ universe at www.positivemasters.com for mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with inspirational mantras and designs to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger that you may be facing. ❤️

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Friends, Goals, Inspirational, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Philosophy, Positive Living, Psychology, Quotes, Success, Writing


Kaizen is the Japanese word for “continuous improvement” and to change for the better. We work hard at a big goal little by little until we reach it, or attain a level much higher from the time we began the journey. No large goal can be accomplished overnight but rather over time through consistent efforts.

#kaizen #improvement #continuousimprovement #change #betterment #habits #routine #consistent #consistency #determination #tenacity

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Filed under Career, Goals, Life, Success