Tag Archives: Focus

13: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Relaxing Rain. 1-Hour Study & Work Session.

13: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Relaxing Rain. 1-Hour Study & Work Session.

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects. In this video, let’s study and work together for a 1-hour Pomodoro (study and work session) with the sound of soothing rain. 

In the intro, I talk about the importance of managing your energy in order to be productive on your studies and work. Then we dive into our studies and work along to the sound of soothing rain in the background. 

I’m happy to have you as my study and work partner. Together, we can push through our ups and downs in our quest to improve ourselves and create value for others. We can’t control outside influences, but we can control our effort to learn, develop our skills, strengthen our mindset, and bolster our relationships. That is my mission and the mission of Positive Masters. 

Enjoy Positive Masters’ blog, podcast, videos, and products here at https://positivemasters.com to strengthen your mindset and build your passion projects to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be experiencing. 

I’m a lawyer, small business person, and retired politician from Hawaii. My passion projects are writing fiction and creating content about mindset and mental health. 

Wishing you the best! 

With Warmest Aloha, 

Jon Riki Karamatsu 

0:00 Intro 

5:24 1-Hour Pomodoro (Study and Work Session) 

1:05:28 Outro and Information About Positive Masters 

13: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me. Relaxing Rain. 1-Hour Study & Work Session.
13: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Relaxing Rain. 1-Hour Study & Work Session.

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Filed under Blog, Business, Goals, Mindset, Motivational, Productivity, Study, Success, Writing, Youtube

12: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me

12: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects. In this video, let’s study and work together for a 1-hour Pomodoro (study and work session) with the sound of calm lapping water in the background. 

In the intro, I talk about the value of writing a daily action plan. By writing down your plan and executing it, you can predict your future for the day ahead of you. Not everything you predict you can do will happen because you and all humans often believe you can achieve more than is possible. You will see this happening very often in your productivity system. Therefore, when you ask others to do work, have empathy and understanding on the work you request to get done. Often times, the time you want to get your work done is not realistic.  

Growth mindset people and generalists are people who do their best to learn all they can in their business and craft, so when they ask others to do the work, they understand the amount of time and effort it takes because they’ve done the work before.  

In contrast, barkers, people who just bark orders and other individuals who don’t do the work, have no clue on the time and effort it takes to finish work they request. Such people must understand the level of time and effort needed for the work to get done through those doing the work. 

In this video, I didn’t mention the unique visual I have for applying my daily action plan for my audacious projects, but I thought I mention it here: In order to get across the dark, scary unknown of your vision of your future self, you have to connect the dots to get across it. Each dot will appear when you come up with the next small logical action to connect an existing dot with the new one. Sometimes the dots will connect. Other times, they won’t. At times, you’ll have to come up with another idea, which is your next new dot. Maybe this time you’ll connect the dots. In other scenarios, you’ll have to connect dots backwards and sidewards before you can connect dots that move you forward. This takes patience and persistence. There are no short cuts. Great achievements are possible only with a patient and resilient mindset. 

Have fun in our study and work session! Let’s keep rocking it my friends! 

I’m a lawyer, small business person, and retired politician from Hawaii. My passion projects are writing fiction and creating content about mindset and mental health. Enjoy Positive Masters’ blog, podcast, videos, and products here at https://positivemasters.com to strengthen your mindset and build your passion projects to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be experiencing. Wishing you the best! 

With Warmest Aloha, Jon Riki Karamatsu 

0:00 Intro

5:24 1-Hour Pomodoro (Study and Work Session)

1:05:28 Outro and Information About Positive Masters

12: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me
12: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me

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Filed under Blog, Goals, Inspirational, Journal, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Positive Living, Productivity, Quotes, Study, Writing, Youtube

Daily Action Plan

Daily Action Plan

For my productivity system, I like to write my daily action plan into the event details in my Google Calendar. This is the notes area. Then I schedule my daily action plan in my Google Calendar itself, blocking time out for each goal in my plan. 

Next, I paste a copy of my daily action plan in my Notion app, a notes app that I use for my note taking, research, and writing – my second brain. I also paste a copy of my daily action plan in Discord with my accountability partner. 

At the end of the day, I tally up my accomplishments for the day. My work is quantifiable by time and/or amount of work completed. I also give myself points – 2 points for every 45 minutes to 1 hour of deep work and 1 point for every task or light work completed within a few minutes to an hour. Treating my work like a game makes it fun and highly addictive! 

If you already have a productivity system that works, awesome! If you want to try my system or a part of it, great! So long as something works for you. Have fun traveling further into your quest to better yourself and live a happier and more fulfilling life! 

Enjoy Positive Masters’ blog, podcast, videos, and products at https://positivemasters.com to strengthen your mindset and build your passion projects to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be experiencing. Wishing you well! 

With Warmest Aloha, Jon Riki Karamatsu

For my productivity system, I like to write my daily action plan into the event details in my Google Calendar. This is the notes area. Then I schedule my daily action plan in my Google Calendar itself, blocking time out for each goal in my plan. 
Daily Action Plan

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Consistency, Life Coach, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Positive Living, Productivity, Writing, Youtube

11: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me – Stream Background Noise

11: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me – Stream Background Noise

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects. In this video, let’s study and work together for two 1-hour Pomodoros (study and work sessions) with the sound of a stream in the background. Click the link or visit Positive Masters’ YouTube channel to study and work with me! 😄 

In the intro, I talk about the ups and downs we all face. Despite this, we do our best to show up and continue working towards our vision of our future selves. The fact that we can use technology to motivate one another and work together is amazing! Let’s do our best to keep our mindset positive. Together, we can keep progressing step by step. 

I’m a lawyer, small business person, and retired politician from Hawaii. My passion projects are writing fiction and creating content about mindset and mental health. 

Enjoy Positive Masters’ blog, podcast, videos, and products at https://positivemasters.com to strengthen your mindset and build your passion projects to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be experiencing. Wishing you well! ❤ 

With Warmest Aloha, Jon Riki Karamatsu

0:00 Intro 

2:23 First 1-Hour Pomodoro (Study and Work Session) 

1:02:26 15-Minute Break 

1:17:37 Second 1-Hour Pomodoro (Study and Work Session) 

2:17:40 Outro and Information About Positive Masters

11: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me - Stream Background Noise
11: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me – Stream Background Noise

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Mindset, Motivational, Productivity, Study, Writing, Youtube

The compound effect applies to everything we do!

The compound effect applies to everything we do!

The compound effect applies to everything we do! It applies to learning, reading, writing, skills, exercise, relationships, investments, and more. A little hard work every day on your goals add up over time. In a year, you will be a different person from last new year’s day.

Sure, we humans want things immediately. That’s why we give up when things don’t happen right away.

Even brilliant people like Einstein took many years, even decades to reach their goals. There are no shortcuts for audacious goals. Such goals are always difficult.

All great things require perseverance and patience. Your big project will be overwhelming. Therefore, diligently work on one small logical step at a time. Over time, you will put the million pieces of your puzzle together. The picture for your finished puzzle, your vision that turned into reality will look and feel amazing because of the stress, anxiety, and tears you went through.

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Consistency, Exercise, Goals, Inspirational, Journal, Life, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Philosophy, Positive Living, Productivity, Psychology, Quotes, Study, Training, Writing

For greater focus for your work, raise your computer monitor to eye level or slightly higher and sit straight.

For greater focus for your work, raise your computer monitor to eye level or slightly higher and sit straight.

According to a neuroscientist I follow, we can be more focused on our work if we sit up straight and raise our computer monitors at eye level or slightly above eye level. 💻🖥

I raised my large monitor slightly higher and my laptop is already raised on a stand. 💻🖥 Keep attacking your dreams my friends!!! 😃❤

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Filed under Blog, Motivational, Productivity, Quotes, Writing

9: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Two 1-Hour Pomodoros. Forest Wind Background Noise.

9: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me. Two 1-Hour Pomodoros. Forest Wind Background Noise.
9: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Two 1-Hour Pomodoros. Forest Wind Background Noise.
9: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Two 1-Hour Pomodoros. Forest Wind Background Noise.

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects. 

In this video, let’s study and work together for two 1-hour Pomodoros (study and work sessions). Be sure to make your work space your happy place with technology that increases your productivity, a comfortable chair and desk, and trinkets and lights that brighten your mood. 

For this study and work with me video, we have forest wind to make you feel like you’re in the middle of a forest. Imagine yourself working at a table on the porch of a cabin in the mountains or at a picnic table in a park surrounded by trees and cool breeze. Aaahhhh. 

I’m a lawyer, small business person, and retired politician from Hawaii. My passion projects are writing fiction and creating content about mindset and mental health. 

I’m happy to have you as my study and work partner. Together, we can push through our ups and downs in our quest to improve ourselves and create value for others. We can’t control outside influences, but we can control our effort to learn, develop our skills, and bolster our relationships. That is my mission and the mission of Positive Masters. 

Enjoy Positive Masters’ blog, podcast, videos, and products at https://positivemasters.com to strengthen your mindset and build your passion projects to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be experiencing. Wishing you well! 

With Warmest Aloha, 

Jon Riki Karamatsu

0:00 Intro 

0:50 First 1-Hour Pomodoro (Study and Work Session) 

1:00:53 15-Minute Break 

1:16:03 Second 1-Hour Pomodoro (Study and Work Session) 

2:16:07 Outro and Information About Positive Masters

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Filed under Blog, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Productivity, Youtube

6: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Peaceful Guitar & Instrumental Music. 1-Hour Session.

6: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me. Peaceful Guitar & Instrumental Music. 1-Hour Session.
6: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Peaceful Guitar & Instrumental Music. 1-Hour Session.
6: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Peaceful Guitar & Instrumental Music. 1-Hour Session.

In this video, let’s study and work together for an hour. The soundtrack for this study and work session is acoustic guitar and instrumental with a peaceful vibe.

I’m a lawyer, small business person, and retired politician from Hawaii. My passion projects are writing fiction and creating content about mindset and mental health.

I’m happy to have you as my study and work partner. Together, we can push through our ups and downs in our quest to improve ourselves and create value for others. We can’t control outside influences, but we can control our effort to learn, develop our skills, and bolster our relationships. That is my mission and the mission of Positive Masters.

Enjoy Positive Masters’ blog, podcast, videos, and products at https://positivemasters.com to strengthen your mindset and build your passion projects to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be experiencing. Wishing you well!

With Warmest Aloha,

Jon Riki Karamatsu

0:00 Intro

0:51 One Hour Study & Work Session

1:01:17 Outro and Information About Positive Masters

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Filed under Blog, Business, Goals, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivational, Productivity, Writing, Youtube

4: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Lapping Water Noise. Two 45-Minute Pomodoros.

4: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me. Lapping Water Noise. Two 45-Minute Pomodoros.
4: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Lapping Water Noise. Two 45-Minute Pomodoros.
4: Positive Masters – Study & Work with Me. Lapping Water Noise. Two 45-Minute Pomodoros.

In this video, let’s study and work together for two 45-minute Pomodoros (study or work sessions). Step by step, let’s get closer to our goals!

For sound, I chose lapping water. The sound of water has always been calming for me. I hope you enjoy it as well.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a lawyer, small business person, and retired politician from Hawaii. My passion projects are writing fiction and creating content about mindset and mental health.

I’m happy to have you as my study and work partner. Together, we can push through our ups and downs in our quest to improve ourselves and create value for others. We can’t control outside influences, but we can control our effort to learn, develop our skills, and bolster our relationships. That is my mission and the mission of Positive Masters.

Enjoy Positive Masters’ blog, podcast, videos, and products at https://positivemasters.com to strengthen your mindset and build your passion projects to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be experiencing. Wishing you well!

With Warmest Aloha, Jon Riki Karamatsu

0:00 Intro

0:26 First Pomodoro – Study or Work Session

45:54 Break for 15 Minutes

1:09:44 Second Pomodoro – Study or Work Session

1:45:42 Outro and Information About Positive Masters

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Filed under Blog, Mindset, Motivational, Passion Projects, Productivity, Writing, Youtube

Are you facing financial challenges? Here are 5 ways to save some money that you can apply in your life.

Are you facing financial challenges? Is it because of a business venture(s) you’re working on or did you lose your job? First of all, don’t beat yourself up. Everything we do has a risk. Nothing is 100% safe. Life is about giving things a shot. You succeed, fail, adjust, succeed, fail, adjust . . . We take chances on opportunities, learn, and evolve. That’s how we grow.

When it comes to managing your money during your challenging times, before you purchase something, ask yourself, “Is this something I want or something I need?” Only address your necessities. Put aside your wants for now. Here are 5 ways to save some money that you can apply in your life:

(1) Walk and travel by mass transit instead of owning a vehicle.

(2) Cancel services you don’t need.

(3) Use coupons and customer rewards and look for sales when buying necessities.

(4) Maximize the goods you own and express your gratitude for them.

(5) Reuse plastic bags and ziplock bags for your trash.

I’m actually practicing these 5 pointers right now to save money after I undertook financial risks with my recent start-up businesses that I have on my own and with my business partners. By downgrading my lifestyle and maximizing small deals and recycling, I lower my stress because I know I’m doing my best with what I can control to undertake my latest journey on my unchartered and often scary adventure. I have other practices that I can share with you later.

Always be grateful for every good thing you have in your life. Don’t let the darkness cover them up. Sending you positive energy!

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Goals, Happiness, Life Coach, Mental Health, Motivational, Positive Living, Psychology, Quotes, Writing

Fear My Tiger Eyes

Fear my tiger eyes.

Closer to biting my prize.

I got a good vibe.

– Jon Riki Karamatsu, Haiku Poem #187, 10/30/2018 –

When we have a vision of a better life and better world, we must eye it down like a tiger does its prey with patience until we execute and taste our vision and goals. I love tigers because I’m born in the year of the tiger.

#haiku #haiku #haikupoem #haikupoems #haikupoetry #poem #poems #poetry #creativewriting #writing #vision #goals #tiger #focus #determination #patience #tenacity #live #love #career #business #mindfulness

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Filed under Creative Writing, Haiku, Poems, Writing

Stay on the Offense

We can stay on the offense by working on things we can control. Reacting and panicking to things we can’t control will put us on the defense, destroying our mood, which in turn, kills our productivity.

#positivemindset #mindset #positivethinking #productivity #offense #innerpeace #clarity #focus #work #business #businesslaw #entrepreneurship #quote #quotes #starbucks #waikele #hawaii

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Multiple projects and issues are jumping around in my head.

Multiple projects and issues are jumping around in my head while calls and messages keep coming in. So much so that I made an error the other day on one of my tasks. Studies have shown that multi-tasking reduces our performance. It’s much better to focus on one task at a time to maximize our output and results.


With all the different projects and goals that I have to accomplish, I think my mind is going as fast as this song “Alone” by Marshmello.

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Filed under Blog, Business, Career, Consistency, Creativity, Dance Music, Electronic Dance Music, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Failure, Goals, Happiness, Journal, Life, Life Coach, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Music, Peace, Pop Music, Positive Living, Positivity, Productivity, Song, Success, Tunes, Uncategorized, Writing